Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Chaase's Uncle Greg came to Room 1. He is in New Zealand for a holiday and writes on our blog from his home in England!


Chaase's Mum and Dad said...

Chaase enjoys the comments his Uncle makes on the blog and was a little unsure of his Uncle's new celebrity status when he visited room 1.

But we know Chaase was a very proud nephew.

annekenn said...

It was so great to meet Uncle Greg. I felt like he was famous because I had heard so much about him as a regular visitor to the Room 1 blog. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable about getting your photo on the blog Greg, but I'm sure you think it was all worthwhile now!
Mrs K

annekenn said...

Chaase, I am very excited to see that you are following the Room 4 blog! YAY
Mrs K