Thursday, August 30, 2012

Elgregoe the Magician chose people to come up on the stage and be part of the show.
We loved the show and it reminded us of important values as well as entertained us.

Elgregoe the magician!!!

Elgregoe had some very clever birds.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Dry Ice
We had a fantastic hour of science experiments today. We learned about how cold it was in space and what happens to objects when they go to space.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

We have been making patterns this week in maths. Next we will try three colours to see if we can make a pattern.

We got to sit in Room 6's Bottle Bivy. Emillie's dad made a frame to hold the bottles.

What a wonderful sight! Kapa Haka in their new uniform.